Trademark Information
REVISION DATE: December 29th, 2023
Below is the Trademark Information for CVQuest.
1 Definitions
Definitions for terms used in this document can be viewed at the Definitions Document
2 Our Trademarks
CVQuest and the CVQuest logo are registered trademarks of CVQuest and its affiliates in the South Africa and/or other countries.
3 Use of the “CVQuest” name in text
When referring to our company, the full name is CVQuest Corporation. When referring to our services,
the CVQuest name should be written as one word and used as an adjective followed by a description of our services in a form similar to the following examples:
• CVQuest® professional networking services
• CVQuest™ recruiting services
The CVQuest name should always be accompanied by either the ® or ™ symbol. See Attribution under the Use Requirements and Terms, for further information.
4 “CVQuest” Logo
4.1 Logo for Use by CVQuest Members
The only use of CVQuest brand features that is permitted without a separate agreement is that if you are a CVQuest member, you may use the “CV” Logo to designate a link to your personal profile or to a Group or Company page or to promote you or your organization’s presence on CVQuest.
4.2 Logos For Use By Third Party Developers
As a Third-Party Developer of CVQuest, you must request permission to use our logos. Please contact us at with your request.
4.3 Logos for Use by Partners
If you have a current agreement with CVQuest, other than a license to CVQuest’s APIs,
you must request permission to use our logos pursuant to the terms of the agreement.
Please contact us at the email address provided in your agreement.
Once approved, you may use our logos in accordance with the terms of your agreement with CVQuest and these Guidelines.
4.4 Logos For Use By the Media
Logos may be downloaded for use in reporting on CVQuest’s business. These logos may not be altered, combined with other marks or used in a misleading manner. Your use of these logos is subject to your compliance with these Guidelines.
5 Manufactured items
Generally, CVQuest does not permit the use of its Marks on manufactured products (T-shirts, packaging, other memorabilia). If you wish to use CVQuest’s Marks on manufactured items, please contact
6 Use requirements and terms
All permitted uses of the CVQuest Marks must conform to the following guidelines:
6.1 No Modification
The CVQuest Marks must be used as provided by CVQuest with no modifications. Don’t remove, distort or alter any element of the Marks, including changing any colors. Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms out of the Marks.
6.2 No Confusingly Similar Marks
Don’t use the Marks in a manner that might create potential confusion as to the owner of the CVQuest Marks or imply that CVQuest is the source of your products or services.
6.3 No Incorporation
Don’t incorporate the CVQuest Marks into your own product name, service names, trademarks, logos, company names, domain names, website title, publication title, application icon, favicon, or the like.
6.4 Reservation of Rights
CVQuest is the owner of all rights in the Marks and reserves all rights save the limited license granted here. Your use of the Marks pursuant to this license shall not be construed as limiting any of CVQuest’s rights in the Marks.